“We got Jim Cannon spitting the rhymes over the music of our funkadelic ride he's so crazy from smoking those dimes. hell keep jamming til the planets collide over here we have Sam on guitar when he shreds he melts some faces if he keeps it up hell go far he rocks my socks on a regular basis playing trumpet we got my main man pat his chops are tight and hes never flat one of his lines ill attempt to scat a rad dadoo da dadoodadadoodat keeping the beat we got my boy Aidan me and him, boy were the best of friends he grooves with the bass and the snare to no end he the grooviest drummer in all the land and me, well, i just play bass one of the funkest bassists in all of space but playing bass ain't no race its all about the groove and keeping your place us five guys are so damn funky that God called us up and had us for tea now that you know us you can see we're the crazy motherfuckers of THE ORANGE FACTORY!" -taken from their myspace bio.
How did you come up with the name (The) Orange Factory?I don't know. I kinda just wanted a good name so we could start writing and performing.Do you ever think you will change your name in the future?Probably not. It doesn't matter that much. Unless "Torso Fuck" breaks up. Then were all over that.What are 3 words to describe (The) Orange Factory?
Some choice answers:
Sexy. Heavy. Fuck.
Different. Different. Groovy.
The. Orange. Factory.
Dave. Matthews. Band.
What inspired you to make music together?
We kinda just started playing. Um... We were inspired by Jesus. Yeah. That dude.
Your style is really unique...a sort of Gogol Bordello meets Bloodhound Gang, how did you get it?I guess we sound like that. The plan for this band was just to play whatever the fuck we wanted, and see what came out, so that explains the lack of musical direction. But we all kinda have this laid back attitude about every, so we do have a distinct sound.
Your bio is one of the most unique and entertaining we have ever come across. How do you think it appeals to prospective fans as opposed to using a regular bio listing history and accomplishments?
Steve kinda just laid that one down over AIM one morning, and I put it on our myspace. I think to a certain extent, the how-the-band-formed narrative is the same for every group, and we didn't have anything really compelling to say about ourselves, so we put that up. It's also the intro to all our shows.
Who the f*ck is Pat Carlin?
I think you know.
What do you enjoy most about being in (The) Orange Factory?
Steve Conroy's sexy body.What's your music making process like?One of us comes up with a riff or a concept, and then it all falls into place. The best part of this band is how quick we write new music. If we know what direction were going i, it all falls into place.
How do you name your songs?
Just from the lyrics. We keep it simple.
Where does the inspiration for your lyrics come from?
Everything. A lot of the lyrics I write come from dreams, sometimes I write songs about people I know, and sometimes I just freestyle a lot and keep what I like.
What kind of pressure do you face when writing music?
None. That's where the acid helps.
What has been your favorite song so far?
"My Girls a Rocket", The bridge to "Peter Pan", Steve's banshee scream in "Druggies in the Park".
How would you describe your music to someone who's never heard of you before?
We usually tell people that we sound like early Chili Peppers, though that's not exactly the best way to describe ourselves. We'd probably say we sound fucking crazy.
What's your opinion of the music scene in your 'hood?
It's fun, I guess. You gotta search for the bands that don't play out as often, cuz their usually the best.
What are the venues like in your area? Which are your favorite to perform at?
Smaller venues where your standing right in front of the audience are the best, so you can feed off the audiences energy (like a VAMPIRE!!!). Specifically, The Bus Stop Music Cafe and Studio Luloo. Bands reading this, if your on tour, play here.
Where do you want to play next? Any stage or festival in particular?
Realistically, the TLA in Philly.
Unrealistically, Woodstock 4.
What age group do you seem to appeal to?
Mostly teenagers. A few elderly. No middle aged or small children. They don't like us as much.
Has anyone ever asked for your autograph?
We had this crazy show at our high school last May, which ended with me smashing my guitar up (its cool, it was broken before, we basically glued it up to smash it again). Anyway, we freaked a lot of people out, but a lot more picked up the pieces and asked us to sign them.
What are some goals for the band in the upcoming year?
To go on tour, and to breathe fire on stage (not a joke, we need to find a venue that doesn't care).
Well, that’s 20 questions! Any last words you’d like to leave the readers with?
Check us out on myspace or facebook. look out for an album in 2009, and if you know a local venue that is into cool music, call them up and get us a show! -peace, jim and the orange factory
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