Thursday, November 6, 2008

20 Questions with Jim of Format Clothing

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We're getting a little better with our interview scheduling. (This interview was only 6 minutes later than planned!) Anyway, unfortunately, Epic Vanessa was recently grounded and left me to interview Jim for Format Clothing on my own. When we agreed start up the series we were hoping to not only talk to great bands, but all kinds of artists, including clothing companies.

So, Jim, tell me: Out of all the names in the world, why Format?
Honestly, i was just messing around on the computer and something randomly said Format when i was on Microsoft word and then bam! i had a catchy name that no other clothing label had already taken (laughs)

Sounds sort of like the way PGR got its name. (laughs) How did you get started making shirts?
my mom use to handle all the clothing for my old high school and she made all the designs and handled the merch at games and what not. So i decided one day after reading AP magazine that i didn't want to work at a desk job for some corporation and hate my life. and the articles about indie clothing labels like Kill brand and original gave me the idea. because I'm my own boss, i have my own hours and i love to create crazy designs and all that good stuff

How long has Format been in the works?
We started back in January 08' it was basically me, my sketch book and my friend Dan Diagangi who handled making the first batch of designs with illustrator and photo shop

What were some of the biggest challenges when you first started out?
The biggest problems were #1 its VERY expensive to print shirts (laughs) #2 was just getting the name out, because in today's day and age if its not big brand name then people really don't care too much. and just establishing somewhat of a fan base and trial and error with designs and people liking them or not.

Shuffle Black

How/Why did you choose the company you use for printing?
Well we started out with soundtrack printing because the guys from Forfeit clothing recommended it to us. and he did a good job with our first batch but for the new more complex designs we turned to Aces High printing. they can handle some complex stuff with relatively low prices. and the work they did with previous companies looked amazing so we currently use them. they also do the printing for forfeit and many local bands.

How have the resources offered today such as myspace/facebook helped your company?
I LOVE myspace and facebook! without it, i honestly don't think we would have lasted more than a month. because not only does it let us reach an insanely large amount of people, but it also brought a lot of great bands to our knowledge. and because of myspace and facebook we've expanded our fan base and sales from coast to coast

While expanding, what are some of the biggest mistakes you guys have made?
Probably the biggest mistake would be signing and sponsoring some local bands because a lot of bands just want to say "we're sponsored!" and we handed out some freebies and what not to some bands that just tanked. so now we actually have a process in order for the band to get sponsored. so we're a lot more careful in which bands we invest our time and money into

If you were to start out all over again what would you do differently?
I would have taken it a lot slower, because when we first started out i wanted to be an overnight success and get the shirts out ASAP. i forgot the fact that you cant just get out there on the first day and sell 100 shirts (laughs). i would have started to gain a bigger fan base and done some more and better made and thought out designs. because our first batch was for the most part sub par (laiughs)

Can you tell us a bit about your t-shirt making process? How long does it take to make a shirt from designing it to shipping it?
Usually we draw up about 10 or so possible designs on a sketch pad. then we narrow it down to about 5 or so. after we've agreed on the designs we like it goes to the photo shop stage. Then we tweak the designs and add in some style depending on the designer making the design. After that we contact Aces high and and give them the finished product and all the specifications like shirt colors and sizes. then we pay them however much the shipment is going to cost and it usually takes 3 weeks to ship. so all in all from sketch pad to shelf it takes around 3-4 months to get a new design out there

Roughly, how many tees have you put out since the beginning? Which is your favorite?
We've put out 14 designs since we've started. my favorite is probably the Robot T we just put out for the fall line. Eddie Harris who helped make it just did a fantastic job. its got bold colors and the design is just insane overall.

Electric Robot

Has it been hard to keep up with the demand for your products?
Yes actually, usually we order around 120 per batch and we get alot of online sales and even more at local shows. so its a good thing that they keep the designs on tap at Aces High and its a 1 time only screen fee (laughs)

Where do you usually get your inspiration for your designs?
Most of the original stuff i drew out in class instead of paying attention (laughs) But for most of the newer designs ill put on the itunes and listen to Circa Survive and just start drawing what ever comes to mind.

Who do you feel is your main competition and why?
Our main competition is ourselves. because if we slack one day or we don't take an opportunity to go out and sell or get the name out then we'll never make it to where we want to be. just the main problem is getting out there and getting kids to like our stuff.

How far in advance do you have new lines of tees planned out?
Usually 1 to 2 seasons we're finishing up the winter line now and already pretty deep into the spring stuff

What are your favorite brands out right now )besides Format of course) and which one of them is your biggest influence?
I'm really really into Enjoi. i love everything they do because its so clever and hilarious. Also Kr3w is a big influence on us as well as many bands merchandise like Chiodos and Coheed and Cambria for example

You mentioned sponsoring some local bands earlier in the interview, if you could sponsor one band you don't already do, who would it be?
Oh wow there's so many I'd love to sponsor (laughs) hmm i really would love to sponsor 3OH!3, because their music just goes perfectly with our style.

Are there any design trends you're tired of?
Shutter Shades, and pre-frayed brims (laughs)

If you had to, what would you say has lead to the success of Format?
Our determination and sacrifice. because we drive to bufu towns just to sell and we take every opportunity available. and just our networking with people and other bands.

If you could give one piece of advice to other up and coming clothing companies what would it be?
NETWORK! NETWORK! NETWORK! because the more people you know, the more opportunity you'll have. and you never know one day someone might make it big and take you along for the ride, so be nice to everyone!

What are your goals for your company in the next 5 years?
We want to make it into retail stores like zumiez, pacsun and threadless. we want to make it into AP magazine, Be able to either get on warped tour or be able to sell at the Chicago show. We want to sponsor at least 1 national "big" band

Panda, No Panda

Well, Jim we've hit 20 questions. Do you have any last words for the readers?
Check us out if you haven't already! because we're amazing for the most part (laughs) Thanks for the interview! Alright I'm off to save the world now (laughs) peace!

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